Many of our users find the My Updates area to be a great place for quickly reviewing things that require their attention. However, we have found that for some users, the Mentions area is not functioning as needed. Ideally, this area could be filtered or set to show only the conversations in which the user has been tagged or directly mentioned.
Upon review of available documentation, we understand that conversations will be displayed if the user has been included. However, in addition to conversations in which the user has been tagged, this will also display conversations on objects that the user has created or assigned.
We have designed our processes such that many of our users initiate work that flows between teams. Even though the work may leave their respective team, the conversations on those objects continue to fill their Mentions section, making the area useless.
If filtering/settings are not possible at the user level, having a system setting that allows us to limit conversations in the Mentions section to direct mentions only would be very helpful!