Description - Please add a field/claim for user's preferred names that can be populated with SCIM or OIDC/SAML.
Why is this feature important to you - The current implementation requires a given name and family name. Accounts that are provisioned with SCIM reset any changes the user may make to their name field. We have employees who go by their middle name, or prefer a different name. We also have employees from cultures that don't have legal family names which causes issues with the current system that requires a family name. We are working around this by passing the user's preferred name as the given name and using anon-printable character as the family name, but the non-printable character is causing a bug that is preventing other fields from being modified. Rahul Yadav from Adobe support says that this is not a bug and everything is working as intended and is refusing to provide support at this point. It is unclear how using that character as a last name is causing issues saving other fields UNLESS THIS IS A BUG WHICH IT CLEARLY IS.
How would you like the feature to work - A field would be created for "Preferred Name" or "Display Name" or similar that could be provisioned via SAML claims, via an OIDC token, through SCIM, or edited manually by a user.
Current Behaviour - There is no way to automatically provision a user's preferred name without hitting other bugs in Adobe's systems.