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a URL for document download the works for user base


Level 7


Description - Currently, the "make this public" link that you can use for sharing documents for download ONLY works for people that are not Workfront users. If you share the so called "public" link, it will fail in the web browser for anyone that has a Workfront account. We need a link that is truly "public" that can be used by anyone, whether in Workfront or not. 

Why is this feature important to you - When sending final art notifications to our customers, it would not only save them time to be able to click a simple link to download the file, but it would also save a lot of headache trying to explain to people that use once or twice a year where to go and how to download a file. Since we have about 11,000 requesters, dealing with user navigation / issues is a very common occurrence even though instructions are provided each time a file is released. 


How would you like the feature to work - the same way it does now EXCEPT be public to anyone with the link, even if they are a Workfront user. 

Current Behaviour - Only those people that do not have a user profile in Workfront can access the "public" link for download

1 Comment


Level 2


Hey Rhonda,


If you open the object the document is stored on, select the document, you can right click on the doc name and get the download URL, see here for example:


That should help you share a link internally.. and if someone doesn't have access to the doc, they should then be able to request access to the doc.


Good luck!