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Using Fusion, I need to delete all documents in a project with the word *mail* OR *address* AND the file extensions CSV, XLS, or XLSX, when the project status changes to complete.


Level 1

Has any one done this or something like it successfully and would you be willing to share your scenario or any tips/guidance with me? Thanks!


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3 Replies


Level 2

Hi @TroyCu - Would this need to be an ongoing automation for all future projects (ie: always search for projects that match this criteria, run the scenario)? Or a one-time deal for one particular project?


Level 1

It would be ongoing. Initially it would be run to remove a backlog, but then it would run daily to keep things tidy and compliant on completed projects 30 days or more old. Thanks!


Level 2

Ok, gotcha. I have a similar setup in terms of reading a large number of projects, but mine is attaching data versus removing data. I just did a quick draft, so my recco would be: 


1. Set up a search module to look up projects that have an entry date of 30+ days (or documents belong to projects of more than 30+ days to get a tighter filter)

2. Depending on the # of projects (if more than 2000+), you'll most likely need to do this using pagination, so you'll need to set up a repeater module 

3. Then use the read record + delete record modules (put filters to only pass through to delete if the file type matches X,Y,Z)

4. Set this to run as often as you need - I'd probably suggest once a week, but up to you