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Push Assigned to Name instead of Assigned to ID (WF to Salesforce)


Level 4

I'm working on a scenario pushing an issue from Workfront to create a case in Salesforce. I'd like to push the Assigned To field (from the issue) but am only seeing Assigned to ID. The scenario won't run because I think that Salesforce doesn't recognize this ID so I'm thinking I need to push a Name instead. However, that field isn't a choice for me. Is there a way around this? I'm thinking maybe using Text Mode thinking in Fusion and change the ID to Name but couldn't find a way to do this either. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.


토픽은 커뮤니티 콘텐츠를 분류하여 관련성 있는 콘텐츠를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다.

2 답변 개


Level 4

Pass the Assigned To ID to a read module, set to User record type, which will get you Name or whatever it turns out that you need for Salesforce. ~Jeff



Like Jeff says...you'll need to use the user ID to pull additional information from the user object.  So search users in WF using the ID from the Issue to get additional fields from the user including unique email address and use that to connect with Salesforce.  If you want to use the ID to connect you would need to have added the WF User ID as a custom field in your salesforce already (perhaps through a separate scenario).  Hope that helps. - Ewan