Hi everyone,
Quick question that might be a bit basic:
In Workfront, I’m trying to set up Fusion to trigger as soon as a custom field is set to "Yes" (e.g. "Ready to trigger" = "Yes").
From what I understand, the Watch Events module is the only one that can start a scenario instantly, so I assume that’s what I need to use here.
If that’s correct, I’m wondering how to set up the Watch Events module to monitor the "Ready to trigger" field. I see it involves using a webhook, and I’ve set one up, but I’m not sure where to use the webhook URL in this context.
This might be something really straightforward, so thanks for bearing with me and for any guidance!
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Hello - connect your next module, then in between the modules put a filter for the Customer Field "Ready to Trigger" is equal to "Yes".
You will also have to change your webhook State to include New and Updated Tasks if the "Ready to Trigger" can be checked after the task has been created.
This is how we start several of our Fusion Scenarios to only work with the records that meet the criteria.
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Thanks @ScottMo1
I’m not seeing the custom field in the filter between the two modules - see below:
That said, I do see some options when setting up the webhook in the Watch Events module (I also set my Record Origin to include new and updated records)
After setting this up, I switched my scenario to "ON" and ran a test by setting "Ready to trigger" to "Start" in the project, but nothing happened....
Feels like this might be something pretty basic that I’m just not fully getting..
Thanks again for looking into this
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Can you send a snap shot of your customer field "Ready to Trigger"?
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Have you triggered the webhook yet? The webhook has to be triggered, with data in the fields you want, for Fusion to pickup what fields to make available to use in the rest of the scenario.
Also, if you include your filter in the webhook configuration as you have shown in your image, you don't need to repeat your filter. One addition I would recommend to your webhook filtering, though, is to add "DE:{blurred} Ready to start" CHANGED. The way you have it now, every time anything on your object changes, as long as the ready to start field is set to Start, you're going to get a message to the webhook. If you add the CHANGED criteria, it will only get notified when someone changes that specific field, which from your description is what it sounds like you need.
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Quick update - thanks for the help!
I managed to get it working. The issue was with the checkbox that says something like "exclude the action done by the user". Once unchecked, the data arrives to the Fusion scenario as expected.
All sorted now!
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