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How to Create a Fusion Scenario that takes a user assigned to the issue, then assigns that user to the first approval stage


Level 2

Hi All, I trying to workout a fusion scenario that once a user is assigned to an issue, they are immediately assigned to the first stage of the approval process for the issue.  All assistance is greatly appreciated.


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5 Replies


Community Advisor

Before I write too much, is your question more how to create an ad hoc approval on the fly with Fusion, or is it just how to put the assigned user into that ad hoc approval.


Level 2

Hi Chris, I have an approval process, but I want to make the first stage of the approval whoever is assigned to the issue. So, it would be how to put the assigned user into the first stage of the approval. Thanks!



Community Advisor

So if you already have fusion building the approval process, you just need to change the value in the userID field for that first stage approval to be the user assigned the issue.


Level 2

it doesn't provided an option for Assigned to ID in the approval process, closest I could find was Assigned to Manager.


Community Advisor

You won't be able to use the "wildcard" option as assigned to ID isn't a standard wildcard for approvals


You'll want to map your approver "userID" to the assigned to ID from the issue.

