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Fusion for offboarding users


Level 5

Is anyone using Fusion for offboarding users? I want to implement an offboarding process, especially when we deactivate Planners or Workers, that would look at what work is assigned to them or what projects are owned by them and then send a list to their group admin or something like that. Haven't looked into if I could have user deactivation as a scenario trigger, but that's what I'm envisioning.

Just curious if anyone else is using Fusion for offboarding, and how so :)


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2 Replies


Level 9

We haven't been doing so yet, but the idea just went on my backlog. Thank you!


Level 6

We are using a custom field "Termination Date" on the user and check for that every night. A process grabs all the timesheets after that date and if there are no hours encoded on them, they get deleted otherwise, the local admin team gets informed. We also delete any auto-created hours (e.g. Public Holidays, PTO) after the termination date. If everything is clear we de-activate the user.

I like the idea to also do a sanity check on assigned work items that are still active as well as checking if the user is still set as project owner/sponsor on any active projects and have just added this our backlog ;-)