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Fusion Delete a Record Module (Template Task)


Level 2

Hello Community,


I want to delete template tasks from a project. I am using the Delete a Record Module. I have the option to Force Delete or ASYNC Delete.


How do I decide which to use? See image for reference.

Delete a Record .png


4 Replies


Level 4



Are you having difficulty deleting a template task from a project?


is it right to say Template Tasks TSK normally sit on Templates (TMPL) and Tasks (TASK) normally sit on Projects (PROJ)


TTSK is to TMPL as



if the problem is specific to Trying to remove TTSK from a PROJ, then it may be impossible to do so and the ask (about force or async) may therefore be redundant.







Level 4



Noting that there does not appear to be information about 'Async' option in the module instruction, there is though information about 'Force Delete' which may inform your decision on what switches to use in these cases.


Level 2

Thanks for your reply. Projects can and do contain tasks but not all tasks are template tasks. An issue converted to a project may use a project template that already has tasks associated with the template.


These task can be identified and removed based on the Template Task ID. Fusion can target any task that was created using a template and make changes or deletes by filtering for the Template Task ID.


I hope that was more informational. I have identified how to iterate down to the task level and now I am ready to make the deletes using the delete a record module. This brings me back to Force Delete and Async Delete and which to choose.


Level 4

Good to know all this, thank you kindly for the detail.


Without a clear definition about 'async delete' on Experience league, I would suggest testing both and seeing for yourself.

Sounds like Force delete will ensure that the item is deleted