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Allow for running other Fusion scenarios within the same scenario process



From time to time, we have one Fusion scenario call another Fusion scenario in order to centralize things like authentication token management.  (An example of this is when we call NetSuite, where NetSuite requires a specialized token process that isn't supported out of the box by Fusion's credentials mechanism.)  Adobe PS recommended we put the token generation/retrieval process be put in its own scenario, and then call that scenario in whichever scenarios we'll be doing further business logic (such as calling NetSuite for some specific API calls using that token gathered before).

The issue we're finding is that Fusion sometimes returns an "Accepted" response rather than the intended webhook JSON.  Basically, it looks like Fusion webhooks are not guaranteed to execute when called but may be queued under some loading conditions.  Retrying isn't necessarily guaranteed to fix this, either.

What's really needed is the ability to execute that dependent/child scenario _within_ the runtime of the parent scenario.  That is, we should be able to avoid the "Accepted" error if we can directly execute a second Fusion scenario rather than having to call it via a webhook.

So the ask is for some kind of Fusion module or other implementation to allow for temporarily suspending the current scenario, calling a specified scenario (and passing in appropriate parameters), having that second scenario return a response, and then start executing the original scenario using the response returned as a data point.