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[WORKFRONT COFFEE BREAK] Wednesday, May 29th at 8am PT: Best Practices for the Adobe Business Platform Migration




Join Technical Support Engineers McKay White (@McKayWh) and Rexx Madsen (@RexxMa) on Wednesday, May 29th at 8am PT for a 1-hour text-only event on the Adobe Business Platform. Be sure to RSVP on the right for event reminders on the day of the event!


Because this Coffee Break is a bit more technical than usual Q&A chats, we want to make sure that responses are meaningful and relative to your specific use case. Please include the following pieces of information with your question, if available:

  • Details of your SSO configuration
  • Your organization’s Admin Console setup (ex: if you already have an Admin Console)
  • Any applicable integrations (ex: an integration with Workday to provision new users)


Interested in learning more about the migration and next steps? Check out the on-demand event, Migrating to the Adobe Business Platform, that was hosted on April 23.


To help shape the conversation, here are some topics and questions to consider:

  • Are all customers going to be migrated to the Adobe Business Platform, or just a select few? How do we find out if, and when, we are scheduled to migrate?
  • How do I add or delete users in Workfront once we have migrated? Is it a different process than what I’m currently doing now?
  • How does this migration affect integrations, Fusion, or any other automations we have set up in our Workfront instance?
  • Are my SSO configurations impacted? Will users need to change the way they login?


Note: If you cannot make the live Q&A, that’s okay! Feel free to ask your questions now in the Community thread below,  as this will give our experts more time to prepare and research answers. Your question will be answered in the order that it was received.



  • All content pertaining to this Coffee Break topic (Adobe Business Platform/Admin Console) will occur solely on this thread. There will be NO live webinar link or recorded video call.
  • To provide more meaningful answers regarding your specific environment, please consider including some additional information, including:
    • Details of your SSO Configuration
    • Your organization’s Admin Console setup (example: if you already have an Admin Console)
    • Any applicable integrations (example: an integration with Workday to provision new users)
  • Add your questions below by commenting on this thread: · Begin your question with one of our hosts' Community Usernames: @McKayWh and @RexxMa 
  • During the live session, be sure to refresh the Coffee Break page periodically to catch new questions and responses. You can respond at any time to:
    • Clarify your questions
    • Ask follow-up questions and provide additional details
    • View Questions posted by your Community peers and upvote or comment on replies that you find interesting
    • Discuss further with your Workfront Community peers
  • To disable email notifications for this thread, click the Options menu on the top right and select "Unfollow the conversation." This will prevent notifications from being sent to your email every time there is a new reply to the thread or comment.




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Level 7


@McKayWh @RexxMa 

We migrated to the Adobe Admin Console in March.  We use SSO with federated IDs.  

When I look at the Adobe Admin Console, it says I have 238 entitled users.  But Workfront says I only have 187 active users.  What does this mean?

When I deactivate old users, can I continue to do so in Workfront?  Or will the Admin Console just re-activate them?

Thank you!




If you are seeing a discrepancy between WF active users and the Admin Console assigned users please submit a support case so we can investigate further. There are a variety of things that can cause this to occur so a support agent will need to access your console and WF. If you have some users who are showing as deactivated in WF but assigned in the AC provide the emails as examples to assist them.


Level 3



@RexxMa and @McKayWh 


We are having Workfront migrated into the Adobe Admin Console next month. One of the questions that we are having difficulty around is SSO (single sign on).


Workfront has SSO in my organisation.

All other Adobe Products do not.


I would like to understand the impact of migration - we do not want to lose the ability to have SSO on Workfront but also to keep all other Adobe products using username/password log-in.


Any help would be amazing. I will be attending this event.


Thank You




Level 3


As a note - I have investigated two admin consoles HOWEVER feedback from the community is that you need to keep logging in and out of Adobe products.


So for example Creative Studio who use Creative Cloud and Workfront for their job will need to keep logging in and out all day to get information on the artwork they are creating.







Hi @EmmaGr,


Suppose you set up SSO in the existing console. In that case, you can use SSO for all newly created users without converting any existing users to SSO (though you can convert Adobe ID users to Federated ID once it's been set up if desired). But if you set up SSO in that console, any new users would be created as Federated ID users and would have to log in via SSO, for all Adobe products in that console. 


If you do not want other Adobe product users to log in via SSO, the recommendation would be to use a separate admin console, but as you mentioned, this creates more work for end users as they have to manage signing into multiple accounts. 




Level 5


@McKayWh @RexxMa  We are in the process of migrating. Our Workfront currently uses SSO with federated IDs.

  • Our sandbox environments were migrated
  • Support is ready to migrate our production environment as soon as we give the go-ahead


We had a couple issues we worked out in sandbox-

  • caching when trying to log into Workfront for the first time via the console
  • existing Adobe IDs that were all capitals
  • noted that users (some?) will now have to select between “Personal” or “Company or School Account” when logging in


I’m looking for assistance in communicating the change to my users, and issues they may encounter when logging in for the first time. Does Workfront have a “template” or a “playbook” that we can start from, in preparing our communication?


Additionally, my current support account on Experience League uses my Adobe “Personal Account.” I’m wondering if it should use my “Company or School Account” instead? If so, could the history of my support cases be moved? Both account types use the same email address but have different passwords.


Thank you!


Hey Cathy! I know that Rexx and McKay will have to handle technical questions, but Rexx sent me a Word doc that might help with the end user communication.  I'm uploading the Word version so that anyone who might need it can download it and edit it for their org.  Hopefully this helps!




Hi @CathyKe1 ,


It sounds like you have two instances of Experience League accounts tied to your current support account. I'd recommend you continue to use the "Personal Account" option since that is the one tied to your support cases. I believe Support cases can be moved with an account merge. Let me know if you'd like to move over all your account and support activity to your "Company or School Account" account instance and I'll connect with you after this event.



@McKayWh @RexxMa 

We just had our fusion instance and all sandbox/preview environments migrated to Admin Console on Friday.  Yesterday none of the admins could log into Fusion as we had not been assigned to that product.  That issue has now been resolved.  Everything seems to be functioning in Fusion today.  Support mentioned that webhooks or connections could no longer use a name/password combination to log into another source for our integrations.  I inherited the instance, so I'm not sure how those were originally set up.  Is there a way I can tell in Fusion if they use a name/login to connect?  Our big integration is with Salesforce, but we also use Office 365.

The username/password authenitcation only applies to WF modules. Existing connections will continue to work however, when setting up new connections you will not be able to authenticate with a WF username/password.

If you need to setup a new connection I recommend logging into WF first as the user you want to establish the connection through. Once logged into WF access Fusion and create the connect. This will recognize the active WF session and take care of all other authentication needs automatically.

If you do not use the above method, you will be prompted to sign into WF through the admin console while creating the connection. Enter in the AC credentials for the use you want to establish the connection through.

Once created the connection holds the credentials so you will not need to authenticate again.



@McKayWh @RexxMa 

We just had our fusion instance and all sandbox/preview environments migrated to Admin Console on Friday.  We have an integration with Salesforce and Workfront.  When a design request is entered in Salesforce, they can add contacts to that request.  If those contacts are not currently in Workfront, our integration adds the user to Workfront.  Do they need to be added to Admin Console first and is there a delay between the time they are added there and the time they would appear in Workfront to complete the set-up of their profile?  What is the best way to make this user autoprovisioning happen in the new model?  Currently, there is no admin intervention needed in this user setup and we would like to make this seamless for our admins going forward.

You can still add users to WF through the API. When this is done the user needs a System Admin approval before they can be activated in WF and pushed to the AC.

You can also use the Admin Consoles UMAPI functionality to add users to the AC and assign the WF product. This does not require system admin approval and would only take a few minutes for the user to be added to the WF product. You would need to contact the AC team if you need assistance in setting that up.


Level 2


@McKayWh @RexxMa 

Q: How can I tell if a user has another profile for Adobe (with the same email address)? Scenario: developer has two profiles - the one I created 5 years ago for Workfront (and we migrated to Console 5/15). And another (through who I'm guessing is another Adobe Admin in our company who issues the Creative Suite licenses). How would I know this? I learned about it last week because she sent me a snapshot of both profiles from her perspective. Thanks!

There is no way to see this info from your side, but you can contact our support team if you ever have a specific need to track this kind of information down across multiple Admin Consoles across your org. 




The Coffee Break is now LIVE. Ask your questions about the Adobe Business Platform migration here - our experts will be on this thread for the next hour.


Level 1


We have a Fusion integration with Workday. This scenario uses a Fusion Automation Bot user account to add new users to Workfront when they are added to a certain cost center in Workday. 

I want to confirm the new user provisioning between Workfront and the Admin Console is bi-directional. If this Fusion bot account adds a new user in Workfront, will that new user also be added in the Admin Console?

I've had our Adobe product owner at our company add the Fusion Bot user as an admin in the console, I just want to ensure no updates to our Fusion scenario will be necessary to accommodate this migration.



Ultimately this is something you should make sure you test in a Sandbox environment and ensure it's working before you complete your Production migration, but I would expect you'll need to make some changes in this case. 


The sync between Workfront and the Admin Console is bi-directional, but for that to work the user has to have an active IMS session, which a bot account connecting to the Workfront API won't have - so the bot account can't create a user in the Admin Console this way. 


I suspect you will need to update your Fusion scenario to connect to our User Management API (https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/umapi-documentation/en/UM_Authentication.html) and create the user in the Admin Console first, which you can then assign to Workfront and then use the Workfront modules to update any user details needed after they've been created. 


Level 1


@McKayWh @RexxMa

Our institution already has an existing Admin Console that we'll be migrating to. Does our Workfront SSO configuration need to match the Admin Console SSO configuration? Our concern is that the Admin Console SSO is set up to pass a different university ID from the one we use for Workfront SSO (in the Federation ID user field). 

Thank you!




The WF SSO configuration will be going away and the AC SSO config will be the new way authentication is handled. You will want to setup that configuration to work with your orginizational needs. You can have more than one SSO configuration in the console but you can only have 1 configuration per claimed domain.

For example I can have an SSO configuration setup for @adobe.com users and then a different SSO configuration for @workfront.com users.
IF you are not using different domains then users will need to be updated based on what configuration the AC is using.


Level 1


@McKayWh @RexxMa We just had our preview environment migrated to our org's current instance of Admin Console last week. We use SSO for both Admin Console and Workfront. On the WF side, if our users are not currently in the system, it automatically adds them. It is working fine for the admins that were added last week to Admin Console manually; however, when a non-admin user tries to login they have no access to Workfront even though they are a current user of workfront. Do they need to be added to Admin Console as a Workfront user first manually or is there an automated way to make this happen for new users? Is there a way to migrate current Workfront users to Admin Console?




Your migration specialist can migrate users from WF into that Admin Console. You will just want to let them know you want to do that and for which environments.
Users do have to be added to the WF environment inside of the console before they can access WF. If you are looking for a way to automate this and get a Auo-provisioning like functionality that exists in WF you can setup AD Sync/ UMAPI in the AC to accomplish this. If you need assistance in setting this up you will submit a case with the AC team.

Documentation for AD Sync/UMAPI https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/using/user-sync.html


Level 1


Thank you that helps. What about users who are external and can't authenticate using the AC SSO that's currently set up? Will I need to add them manually to AC and assign WF to them?




Similiar to WF with non SSO users they will need to be manually added to the AC and assigned to the WF product. They will be setup as an Adobe ID instead of a federated which will allow them to use a Username/Password to authenticate into the console and gain access to WF.


Level 3


@McKayWh @RexxMa 


I just wanted to check. If we continue to have SS) on Workfront - that you can access Workfront without having been added into the Admin Console. 


We have a set number of licenses for the users that are Project Owners / Team Members - these people will be added into the Admin Console.


However anyone across the organisation can access the system using SSO to put in a request.


I want to check that this will still be the case, i.e. To put in a request you do not need to first be added into the Admin Console (I note your comment regarding bi-directional).


Thank You








In order to access Workfront, a user must first be assigned to the Workfront product profile in the Admin Console. If you want users to get added to Workfront automatically, you'd need to set up something like AD Sync or a UMAPI integration in the Admin Console as Rexx mentioned in an earlier thread here. 


Level 1


We don't use the Workfront email option when a new user is setup in Workfront.  How do I assign a password to an external user that I have added to Workfront?



When the user is migrated to the admin console (or when you add a new external user) they will receive an email from Adobe with a link to finish setting up their profile and set a password. Admins will no longer set passwords for users - users will set their own passwords. 


Level 1


Our internal users will use SSO. Are they going to receive this email when we migrate them to the admin console? If so, it will be confusing to the users.




The Coffee Break is now OVER. Thanks for attending, asking your questions, and a big shoutout to @RexxMa and @McKayWh for standing in as our Adobe Business Platform migration experts! Be sure to stay tuned for future Coffee Breaks on the Workfront Community.

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May 29, 2024 - 08:00 AM (PDT)

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May 29, 2024 - 09:00 AM (PDT)

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