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To Where do all my External Pages Point?


Community Advisor

In addition to the flexibility offered by its Custom Data features, External Pages are a powerful way to extend Workfront's functionality. In our case, we use External Pages (along with the API) to deliver solutions such as our Executive Status Report, Capacity Charting, and Draggable Calendar, among many others. Since the External Pages are enclosed (via an iFrame) right within a Workfront Dashboard, the contents of the iFrame "feel" like they are part of Workfront. Back in the day, to encourage users to log in and use Workfront, one of our clients included an External Page link to a real time map of the local food trucks.

Over time, as you might imagine, the External Page tentacles might sprawl to many destinations...and so (wearing with my SysAdmin hat) are something worth checking in on occasionally and culling.

So! This morning I did a little R&D and came up with this gem:


If you use External Pages in your Workfront environment (and you're curious and have SysAdmin rights), I invite you to:

  • log into your Workfront environment
  • copy the above into your clipboard
  • paste it into the url address on the Workfront tab in your browser
  • replace [yourdomain] with your Workfront domain
  • press the Enter key
  • scroll through the resulting Dashboard > Report > URL response, looking for URLs of interest

You might note that this technique takes advantage of api-unsupported, but don't worry: it's simply because this particular API call is not (yet) available through the official API.



3 Replies


Level 10
Thanks Doug..... I suspect this question might be a trade secret, so I won't be offended if you decline to answer it, but let's say that you have an external page setup on a dashboard that you have as a tab on your projects. How do you go about getting the object ID from the current project to pass into the URL of the external page you are linking to? Cheers David Cornwell


Community Advisor

Hi David,

Au contraire, mon frere: Workfront includes the built in {!ID} for exactly that purpose.

You can learn more by trying out our Project Status Report blog post (noting that we've moved well past that these days and have a much groovier version).




Level 10
Very nice, Doug. Cheers David Cornwell