From WorkList, I can click on a task to work on it. I open the task and notice I require Project access to locate assets that are not in my tasks and there is no link to Project from the task. I then have to find an email about the project and click on that to reach a prompt to request access. This was not the case in the old views I had (MyWork), but that is no longer available.
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Hi there, when you're looking at tasks from the Work List, you should be able to click into the projects the tasks live in from the work list or from the breadcrumbs at the top of the task when you click any task from the list to pull into the middle of the homepage, like below. Are you saying you don't see those breadcrumbs to be able to click on the project, or you're saying you don't have access to the project's Documents?
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The breadcrumbs that lead to the project home are not there if I click the task from the work list. There is nothing to click to prompt the system to ask if I need project access. This used to be the case. Thanks
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If you’re not seeing the project breadcrumb you maybe don’t have access to the project overall, and just to the task. I think there were recently some perms updates that allows owners to give access to tasks without automatically giving access to whole project. See if the owner or someone with manage access on the project can share the project with you or can see if you only have access to the task
Or, this is probably not the case but are you on a very small screen size? The project breadcrumb may be blocked adjusting to screen size.
If none of the above, submit a support ticket to see if it’s a bug.
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