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Box + Workfront - raise your hand if you use them together!


Level 9

Friends - we are way down our process path to using the Box integration with our Workfront instance. 


My 'final' testing on Friday I hit a huge snag / roadblock. Although I figured out a work around, I wanted to see if anyone else here uses Box + Workfront together.


Specifically, 'how' you do so from your process perspective. 


Can anyone lend a gal a hand? I miss our vocal community so even if you can't.....reply and say hi! 

3 Replies


Level 2

Christina - would love to hear how you have integrated and your process!!


Level 9

It doesn't seem that there's a lot of people. 


Our company is transitioning away from local server storage and utilizing Box cloud storage going forward.


I love that Box integrates with WF! You opt to 'Add from Box' and it populates the link to the Box object. (i.e. click on the file name that has Box icon next to it in WF, and it opens the Box file). 


We're exploring how to best make this work also with our stakeholder reviews who may/may not have access to WF.


A few hiccups:

- The number that displays in WF is the number of objects not the number of files. i.e. A folder may have (3) next to it because it has 3 subfolders within it....not three files.

- The 'last updated by' in WF always, always, shows the person that created the project. It's misleading since you cannot tell if someone has worked on a file, uploaded a new one....it's caused a lot of confusion.


What has made us come to a screeching halt is the loss of WF data points and WF comments on Box 'files' if you move the Box file.


i.e. if someone is working on a PDF in the review folder, and there are comments, approvals, etc on that file as soon as the file is moved within the Box platform all of those comments, approvals, data points go away. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Cannot be recovered. 


We were hoping the integration between Box and Workfront would allow us to have a centralized location for our files while still retaining our source of record but I can't see how that can happen now.


Does anyone else use Box in this way?


Level 1

Am wondering if since these 2022 posts there have been any more Workfront users that have integrated with or incorporate use of Box files in their process. Also wondering if there have been any changes, improvements or otherwise, with this integration.