**This article was refreshed in September 2024
Did You Know? Utilize Custom Tabs to Display Object-Specific Information
Did you know that you can get a high-level overview of a portfolio without having to click into each program, project, task or issue? Or that you can pull the custom form of a program into a custom tab on your project to avoid navigating back and forth?
By utilizing custom tabs, you can add dashboards to certain objects in Workfront, providing more visibility into the details of your workflow and fewer clicks. Workfront will automatically add this custom tab to every object of its type so there is less manual work for you. The object acts as a filter for the dashboard, so based on the object hierarchy, the results are filtered to the specific object you are viewing.
To see the list of objects you can add a custom tab to, or to understand the object hierarchy for automatic filtered results, click here.
Let’s walk through two examples.
Example #1: You want to see all late projects, tasks, and issues within every portfolio without having to drill down into each object.
- Navigate to the Reporting area and select Reports. Create three new reports—one project report, one task report, and one issue report.
- In each report, set the filter to Planned Completion Date is Less Than $$TODAY. This shows only results that are late.

- In the task and issue reports, group the results by Project Name.

- Once the reports are created, select Dashboards from the Reporting area. Create a new dashboard and name it Past Due.
- Search for the three reports that you just created. Drag and drop each report from the center column into the right column.
- Optional: Change the layout of your dashboard by selecting the corresponding radio button.
- Save and close the dashboard.
- Navigate to a portfolio and select More in the tab list. Choose Customize Tabs, then Add Custom Tab.

- Label the tab. This is what you’ll see in the tab list. For this example, we’re using the same name as the dashboard, Past Due.
- Add the Past Due dashboard and click Add Tab.
- Optional: Rearrange the order of the tabs so that the dashboard does not appear under the More tab.
- Save and Close. The dashboard, Past Due, now appears within your Portfolio tab list.
IMPORTANT: This dashboard will appear on all of your portfolios. However, the results are specific to the portfolio you are currently viewing.
Example #2: Your marketing team stores creative briefs as a custom form on the program level. All projects within the program need to reference this information. Add a custom tab to a project with the program custom form so the information can be directly accessed from every project, rather than navigating back to the program.
- Go to the Reporting area and select Dashboards. Create a new dashboard.
- Select +Add External Page.
- For the URL, paste the following:
- https://customerdomain.my.workfront.com/program/view?ID={!Program ID}&activeTab=form-customdata
- IMPORTANT: Replace customerdomain with your organization’s domain. This can be found in the URL of any Workfront page. It is directly before .my.workfront.com.
- SEPTEMBER 2024 UPDATE: If your Workfront instance is now on Adobe Admin Console, replace customerdomain with your organization's domain using the new URL format: https://experience.adobe.com/#/@customerdomain

- Name the URL and the dashboard, Program Form.

- Click Save, then Save and Close.
- Navigate to any project and select the More tab. Choose Customize Tabs, then Add Custom Tab.
- Search for the dashboard, Program Form, and label the tab.
- Save and close.
This custom tab now appears on all of your projects. Whichever program is associated with your program, that will be the custom form data displayed.
For more details regarding custom tabs, read the knowledge base article, Creating Custom Tabs located on the Experience League documentation site.
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