I intend to compress/Minfy my HTML output so that the html size becomes less which increases the performance . eg : view-source:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/getting-started/dispatcher-install.html lots of white space if you see the source code .
Is there any way we can pass a variable from component to another. tried<sly data-sly-resource="${resourceType='my/components/embeddedComponent', myParam='myValue'}></sly>can I read the myParam in embeddedComponent ?
We are trying to use coral UI2 in AEM6.5 but content is not getting stored into the node. works in AEM6.3 . Coral UI2 is still supported in AEM6.5 , right ? <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"> <links jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"...
Hi, We are using 6.3.3 version and intend to upgrade to coral Ui3 as coralUi2 is not supported in 6.5 . As multifield is stored as JSON in coral UI2 while in coral UI3 we store as node , how can we update (convert json to node) existing data
In htl how can we check if the page URL contains specific text ? ( intend to do it on the page rather than by Java )${'a' in 'abc'} <!--/* returns true */--> does not work