I am needing to write an If with a And statement, or some other script, to return a value for a TextField if Today's date is between the start and end of a Fiscal Year.
I have the script below set on Post Submit. My issue is if you click the Submit by Email button and Cancel from the Send Email popup window the Script runs and displays the information without the user actually submitting the form. Is there a way to keep this from happening?If(RadioButtonList5.raw...
I have downloaded the example and entered the mousenter and exit event as on the example and my drop down list does not expand. I have even copied their drop down list into my form and it will expand. Please help.
That solution worked great. However I am abbreviating the selection display to save space and once I change the size of the drop down list my selections are cutoff. Is there a way to change only the size of the list when it displays but not the drop down list box?
Is there a way to select a value from a drop down list but have it display different text. I need the user to see the full text but when they select it I only want an abbreviation to display.For example if I select Pat Brown from my drop down list I want the value to display as PB.
I have a form with 15 checkboxes for users to select from. Each checkbox is an option of something for them to register for. The first two pages are static and everyone must complete. Is there a way to display the fields corresponding to the selection(s) made out of the 15 choices? They may chec...
I have another question on this issue. I have the code below which works great however I was wondering if there was a way to clear either RadioButtonList2 or 3. If you select 10 Views and then select yes or no and change to More than 10 views the yes or no on the 10 views line is still selected (s...