I have one dropdown and one tagpicker field. In dropdown all option's value are TagIds (like stockphotography:business/business_people).I need to set selcted options value in Tagpicker field.For classic UI i have done the same thing. But dont know how to achieve it in Touch UI.Please Assist.
see , In My dialog - there are only three widgets - choose (dropdown), name (textfield), pathselect (pathbrowser).In dropdown - there are 4 options A,B,C,D. (In properties, i have added class = cq-dialog-dropdown-showhide c...
I want to use listener in touchUi dialog like we do in Touch UI by adding listener node to respective node and write js for an event, I am not getting how to write listeners in touch ui . I saw an example from https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-touchui-events.html but this ...
Hi, I want to show same field on selection of more than one value in drop down.Suppose in dropdown, we have A,B,C,Dand i have one seperate node say 'title'I want to show this field when i select A and when i select B. As showhidetargetvalue is single valued property. i am not able to make it ...
I want to customise classic UI dialog while creating Tag. I just need to rename the field Label of 'description' to 'color'. I have changed it in Touch UI but i want to change it in classic UI as weel.
I need to evaluate JSON file kept on some path in JS file.path = "/apps/ademo/components/structure/basepage/mapp.json";Like in dialog listener JS , we do - var x = CQ.shared.HTTP.eval(path);I want to evaluate in component specific JS file.(When i use "CQ.shared.HTTP.eval(path)" in component spec...
Hi Prafulla , My requirementt is bit same as you. The only diffference is i will select 'Page' from pathfield which would have one image. And i want to render this image on smartimagefield. Have you found any solution to set smartimage field based on the pathfield?Regards,Aman