@dan_klco , thanks for sharing. I went through the blog, it gave me a fair idea of overall concept. However, can you please provide more details around how the content fragment dropdown element be connected to the acs aem commons generic list components
The thing is, its the workitem created for dynamicparticipant step, theat need to be uopdated with prop "ORIGINAL_PARTICIPANT", to be the value of group, it was assigned to initially. so that the dropdown for delegate is populated with group members
Thanks !! its kind of a resubmission scenario, hence assigning to group does not work here.Also, workitem is being assigned to user via dynamic participant custom implementation only. I have figured out that if by any means i can add a specific property to the workitem node in the dynamic participan...
Hi Team,I have to use case to allow delegation for workitem assigned to a single user. Looking around any custom solutions. I tried updating the workitem in the same dynamic paticipant step, but the wokitem comes as volatile and hence can't be updated. Any pointers appreciated. This is how OOTB del...
I am using uber jar 6.5.0. With that new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream) is working fine runtime and am able to generate excel, however the same is failing in PowerMockRunner junit with exception org.apache.poi.POIXMLException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException. Any pointers appreciated
Hi Team, Is there a configuration available to default aem 6.5 inbox search page view to list view instead of card view?Thanks in advance Regards,Manisha
Thanks @Vijayalakshmi_S for the inputs.I updated the settings and tried to enable sorting using column other than start date, may be "Assignee" for example.As I mentioned earlier, the property "cq.inbox.settings" gets updated in the user preferences as below- { "sharingPreferences": { "sharesInboxWi...