You can think of an array as kind of like using instance numbers. The split() method is putting each value into it's own "slot" in the array. So to pull information out you just need to specify the slot you want to reference.In your case you can do away with the loop as you only have two values and ...
Sorry, you need to change the rest of the statements to match the syntax I posted above. I should have been more clear.ResolveNode() expects a string, hence the quotation marks around the text (including the brackets). You're trying to insert a variable into the string which is why the variable is o...
Your syntax is off with resolveNode(). The instance numbers need to be in brackets. And you need a period to separate the checkbox in the statement:if (xfa.resolveNove("Table1.Row[" + r + "].CheckBox[" + i + "]").rawValue == 0) {I'm thinking you probably don't need the instance number for the Checkb...
There is a "full" event you can make use of, it might help.
Are you using app.alert to get the yes/no answer?var nButton = app.alert({ cMsg: "Warning: You are about to reset the table. \n\nDo you want to continue?", cTitle: "Reset Table", nIcon: 1, nType: 2});if (nButton == 4) { put table reset code here}
The code goes on the first drop down. You have to make sure the values match, in my code the "AE" and "AN" are possible selections in the dropdown, so make sure you are using matching your own dropdown selections. If you've assigned values to the dropdown selections then you would use those instead.
@vajos - It depends on what you have going on in your form. Though you should be able to save a dynamic form as static and get commenting, etc. but your form won't work properly.@rjrobbins - I'm not sure of everything that requires the form to be saved as dynamic. Maybe someone else here can chime i...