Give this a shot. I was getting errors with substring() until I realized it wasn't getting a string. var d = new Date();var t = Math.floor(d/1000).toString();TextField1.rawValue = t.substring(4);
I've never tried doing that many different types in one go but I Just tried it and it seems to work.All the stuff you have in the Validation field should also be in the Edit and Display tabs. The Validate patterns validate to the Display patterns (if the data displays properly then it will validate)...
Check the thread that Vjay posted, you'll need to use a loop to protect the fields instead of trying to do the whole page because I think once you've protected the page there's no way to unprotect one item.And the syntax you're looking for is: FieldName.access = "open";
The grey fields are Automatic tab order and blue are Custom tab order. Not sure how you have both, are you in Custom tab order?Sometimes it will get bugged, try setting to Automatic and then back to Custom.
I've uploaded a sample here: sample assumes a couple of things: all the dropdowns are in the same subform and have the same name (so they get an instance number in the hierarchy - the number in square brackets after the name). the dropdowns...
I think what's happening is that when you are checking the Instance Manager for the count there is nothing to count because there are no instances. That and trying to do it from the object that's being removed, there's probably something there too. To access the Instance Manager of non-existing obj...