I have few queries regarding brand portal . Let me know if you have any pointers. Is there way we can restrict users to see specific folders inside brand portal ? For eg: If we have Folder A and B and I want to provide access to my users for folder A only.When we are sharing assets through brand por...
We have requirement when user will hit AEM, it will mapped to certain group based upon user profile available in lDAP server. To create the user we have SSO in place and now have to map this user to group though custom code . Can someone guide how to achieve this ?
Hello Team, We are facing heap memory issue for our application . Would like to check what should Minimum Heap Size Allocation for Ecommerce application in ideal scenario ? we know it depends upon user, traffic etc.
Looking for recommendations ...
We have existing code repository and need to check if we should have to update Archetype or not?
Current AEM Version - AEM 6.4.8
Current Archetype Version - Need information how we can identify version of archetype?
Note: We don't have any issue from existing Archetype as well but for platform ...
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for checklist to audit AEM platform.
Requesting to please share me if anyone did audit on AEM platform in past or recommended list of points.
I have rendered images from Dynamic Media on my AEM website instead of DAM. I can see Dynamic Media helping me to render small size image with same resolution on my website .
Can some one please help me understand what all point need to check/measure page performance apart from image size (...
You can write custom scheduler to implement this . Please refer to below https://knitshwetakhanna.wixsite.com/aemblog/single-post/2018/08/06/send-custom-email-in-aem