a few things to be carefule off. The master tab file format what application are you opening it up with? Be careful as excel can corrupt it and make it casue import errors I recommend a text editor like BBedit(or newer counterpart)
Also is your 1st column the actual Key column? your example looks...
So evar dimension duration, type and related definitions all lie under Admin, report suites, conversion variables.
Each evar will have all pertinent lifecycle information you want.
In work space build a sample reportlet capturing your desired metrics aligning to you API query as closely as possible. Then enable debug mode on widget(actual bug).
Then option click icon. choose sparkline as one option, it will present xml, output as well a cURL contents.
One thing the PowerBI connector cant do that Adobe data does is some data de duplication. Maybe try pageviews to check as that shouldn't be different to verify. Also remeber if you have any segements when comparing to use same ones adobe has in Powerbi connector.
Also in adobe check attribution th...
You need to look at Adobe triggers,
Its a way to connect Adobe Analytics segments and rules, to then allow them to be tied to Adobe campaign flows for more dynamic marketing based on interaction rules.
Seems like its just an Edge security setting. Can you check if edge is blocking any ports or if you add exceptions to your browser to allow the expeience.adobe.net domain to not be blocked.
Jenn makes a good point here as in your case defining a digital datalayer object of the impression string i think would be key. You can then ensure its captured in a timely fashion but does seem like you need some dev alignment to make it happen.
So is it that now you are to a more SPA(single page application) like server technology?In that case you would need your page logic to change to capture that string summary later on pageload. Can you verify is it indeed an SPA you are tagging for?
So if you create a data element that looks for a particular link. (Exists or not).
Then map that data element via a page rule to an evar(with expiry on pageview) when page loads.
Then you can just filter pages with evar or not. A prop can work as well but they are usually fewer in number so may ...