@jillstolt wrote:@mosesmaxen what new features are available from Sensei for Target?Here is a list of some of the recently made available features related to Target's Sensei capabilities. RecommendationsOur new Recommended for You algorithm as part of Recommendations engine recommends items based o...
Hello Experience League Community, great to be with you all this morning to answers any of your Target testing, personalization, and product questions!
@davidmailey wrote:@mosesmaxen is there a way to provide a heavier propensity score to certain data points of a personalization activity in Target? Also, is there any plan to allow experience preview URLs for AP activities that are using at.js 2.x?@davidmailey Currently we have the ability to weight...
Hello @ca90883831 , With the help from a colleague please refer to the answers below: Regional mboxes can be created using getOffer/applyOffer individually as well as in batch using getOffers/applyOffers. Additionally you can use the FEC using the Target Global Mbox as well if preferred.If you wi...