@anas-ensemble yes you should be able to pull from the local instance to code by updating filters and once it's part of the code you can deploy it using the pipeline to CS. I have attached WF best practices too
@hrai You need to use AEM 6.5 as this is the version currently supported. However, in terms of designing both are the same. you can just copy the xdp/pdf to the 6.5 and start working on it.
With 6.5 any issues related to the product can be reported but with LiveCycle or any unsupported version, pr...
@ro123451 we discussed this a while back here https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/honeypot-implementation-for-aem-forms/m-p/450861#M8939
@UserSD responded on https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/javascript-errors-of-livecycle-designer/td-p/563863
@UserSD you can, add an entry in the server configuration to suppress the logs by changing this class to info only
@Jacket97 AEM forms is an HTML responsive page at the end of the day, consider it like ingesting a DOM container on any other webpage. The only thing you need to cater to is our styling, JS, and data submission.