I have placed it change event under TextField1if (TextField1.rawValue="We")TextField2.rawValue = "are";else if (TextField1.rawValue="I")TextField2.rawValue = "am";When I type "I'' in TextField1, TextField2 always shows are.What is the correct code and where should I place?
There are two text fields named Full name (first name + last name) and last name.When user will type in full name filed, last name typed in full name field, will be populated into last name filed.What is the code for it?
Thanks.Actually I want1.2.... as output.However it shows1,2,..Just it shows comma after number instead of full stop (period). I want full stop.How can I solve it?
Numeric field is set following:object > field > pattern > display > in pattern field num{zz.}in initial evetnthis.rawValue = this.parent.index + 1;Another one is add button.Problem is in numaric field. It shows1,2, instead of 1. 2.I wish it will be 1.2.3.related to the add button.
I have tested XFA form. It is not destroyed.In acrobat, there is a code to block reader, reader version. i.e.if(app.viewerVersion < 7).............In this way, can we create a code so that none can open with liveCycle?