Thank you all for the replies.Yes ,we are interested in inheriting the properties and above solution will work but just want to know if their is any other approach AEM has apart from "infinity.json".
Hi all,Is it possible to extend the existing dialog properties in Child component. One way of doing that is using infinity.json , is their any other way of doing the same apart from this way. If yes, please guide us with some links for reference.
Hi,We have a requirement where we want to inherit the existing design from one template to another. For example I have a Template A for which I created a design and associated that page with this design (by going into Page properties and setting the design). Now I create a new page Template say Temp...
Hi all,We have a requirement where we need to create a custom component group via a Java service. This service will be responsible of reading a list of components and adding those in the custom Group.The purpose is to display only the configured components in the sidekick irrespective of the templat...
Hi All,We have a requirement where we have selected list of components which we need to display in side kick. Since AEM provides OOTB design functionality but our requirement is to read a configuration where list of components has been defined and based on that create a new component group and displ...
Hi All,We have a requirement where we didn't want to display the Target and New option in Edit Configuration to the Author. One way to doing so is overriding the Editbase.js and move it under /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/EditBase.js.This way the js file residing under apps will be picked.T...
Hi All,We have a requirement where we are creating a custom Multi-Widget and in the dialog we are using a paragraphreference which enable Author to browse the another component reference eg a composite component scenario.The issue we are facing is with the width of the field. By Default in "/libs/cq...
smacdonald2008 wrote... Over laying components - like you did - is the recommended way to achieve custom requirements in AEM components. Hi,Thanks for the response.I agree the way we are trying to solve the problem is correct but it is not future compact-able.So just want to know if we can fix thi...
Hi All,Is their any way to fix the position of an Paragraph reference popup by including the default js file provided by Adobe /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/form/ParagraphReference.js using it the position doesn't remain fix and popup move to the top of the page.One way we found is to overwrite...