I'm also assuming you don't have DTM and this is going directly on the page so you'd have something like:$("input[name='loanAmount']").mouseleave(function(){ var loanAmount = $("input[name='loanAmount']").val(); if (loanAmount.length){ s.eVar17 = loanAmount } else { return false} });
assume you're using jQuery from the above and that name="loanAmount" is always consistent so could you not use the following selector?$("[name='loanAmount']").....
Client Care have finally confirmed that the metric is missing and its been raised as a bug to engineering who are working through it. At least it's finally been acknowledge but all in all not a great experience!
CSV seems fine but not been able to get PDFs to download or anything since the maintenance release. Currently have a P1 bug report open with Client Care so hopefully see a resolution soon.
All of mine reset to 3:30am for some reason, just in the process of fixing them this now, the timing has been hidden for some reason but you can still edit it as per attached screenshot:
Could someone at Adobe please look in to this missing metric? Without a doubt it existed within the last month. I think since the last MR it has disappeared from reports and analytics.
The metric has never existing in workspace unless you create it as a calculated metric but I've never been able to get a calculated metric to match the built in R&A one. The metric was there in R&A up until a couple of weeks ago. I used it on a weekly basis as it forms part of our KPIs.You are right...