Hi All, If we want to upgrade AEM from 6.2 to 6.5 what is best approach(upgrade to new instance not inplace) for /content and dam migration.I was trying with oak.jar upgrade with including necessary path /content/projectcontent and /content/dam/projectcontent.Will this approach of oak-upgrade.jar wo...
Hello Everyone, Myself Mani Kumar started my career with CQ5 developer and still continuing with AEM from past 6+ Years. My hobbies playing Chess, Solving Rubix, and Watching Netflix Series浪.
Hello guys,I understood the basic creation of experience fragments and expose them to other external sources but not able to figure out how to create live-copies and maintain as localized data (I want to understand is it same as normal pages that we need to create live-copies or do we have any other...
Hi Singh,if understood correctly you want custom properties for you dam folder which should be should applied to specific folder.If so you can actually create new metadata schema and apply that to specific folder where you require itplease find the below link for the same.http://www.aemcq5tutorials....
Hi All,I am facing an issue with classic components which are used in touch UI framework that are included as <cq:include path="articleintro" resourceType="/apps/intel/commons/components/content/articleintro"/>but when i am trying to edit the component and save it sling:resourceType property is not ...
Hi All,I am trying to fetch the dropdown values for a component in touch UI from a servlet using datasource object but not about fetch the details.This is working if you write the code in component level as below described.https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-granite-datasource....
Thanks for the above options and i will try to implement that for JCR comparisions but we one more usecase like extract metadata (name ,title and age etc.,) properties for whole project do we have any tool existing for this ? ThanksMani Kumar K