All,Looks like there is a limitation to navigate it to static HTML links.Instead of this we have added link to right-hand section and achieved it but without a image.-Kishore
Hi All,I have one requirement that adds a widget to welcome screen and when I click on the icon that redirects to a static HTML page.I am able to add this widget but it's not redirecting to a static HTML page instead of redirecting to other pages http://localhost:4502/apps/tools/components/adminsect...
i still see same issue.ERROR: POST /apps/tools/components/xxxxxx/run.html HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter doFilter: the provided CSRF token is invalidStrange thing is we are unable to run this on local publish instance and getting the same issue.
Hi All,We have implemented reports using AEM in built framework,we are able to run the utility without any issue in author instance but when we try to run from publish we are getting 403 Forbidden Error.I have performed below work-around to run the report but still getting same error.1. Logged in as...
Hi All,Does anyone has any idea to reduce the size of the image when uploading them DAM,without effecting the quality of the image?Please help me if anyone has done anything related to this before.Thanks,Kishore
I have seen it.Wants to know if there are still any such nodes without jcr:content node in our application.Looking for a way to know these kind of nodes.-Kishore
smacdonald2008 wrote... Is this specific to under a path like /content/<yoursite>? Or are you looking at this across the entire JCR structure? Looking for entire JCR structure.