@nnakirikanti Thanks for your reply. To understand better , it means we control at the specific flow for a business or important flows rather than field level.
In what scenarios or usecases , does this apply of usage labels can be implemented at connection level in contrast to dataset and schema level usage labels.
I have completed learning RT CDP. Which one to learn post this? Is there any learning path or flow to gain better understanding of Adobe Experience Cloud applications? I am aiming for AJO or ACJA as my next target. Any guidance?
I can only generate the access token when I create a project. I did send offline_access in scope and grant type but received invalid grant type error response. Any ideas or suggestions? repsonse :{"error": "unsupported_grant_type"}
@Pradeep-Jaiswal In general, we provide this refresh token url in postman , to generate new token when the token is expired. But in Adobe, not all the api services are supported for this refresh token to generate