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Apply Usage Labels at the Connection Level


Level 2

In what scenarios or usecases , does this apply of usage labels can be implemented at connection level in contrast to dataset and schema level usage labels.

1 solución aceptada


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Community Advisor

@kishoremittapalli Great Question, think of this as a granular level access control ( this is equivalent to Object level access control of AJO)


Situations this might become handy.


1) Shared sandbox at enterprise level for multiple Lines of business and fine tuning access to LOB specific flows.

2) Client/vendor access control to set of objects.

3) Developer/Engineers/Tech groups managing important flow(s).


Let me know if you need more details on this.




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3 Respuestas


Respuesta correcta de
Community Advisor

@kishoremittapalli Great Question, think of this as a granular level access control ( this is equivalent to Object level access control of AJO)


Situations this might become handy.


1) Shared sandbox at enterprise level for multiple Lines of business and fine tuning access to LOB specific flows.

2) Client/vendor access control to set of objects.

3) Developer/Engineers/Tech groups managing important flow(s).


Let me know if you need more details on this.





Level 2

@nnakirikanti  Thanks for your reply. To understand better , it means we control at the specific flow for a business or important flows rather than field level. 


Community Advisor

Thats correct to manage object level access restrictions, We have similar functionality with AJO named  "Object Level Access control"

Check this: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/journey-optimizer/using/access-control/object-based-acces....

