Hi @PoovithaSelvaraj I imagine you could create a custom validator.So your field would be defined something like:<my-select
fieldLabel="My Select Label"...
Hi @vivekbi1 I believe you need to post your issue in the AE community: https://community.adobe.com/t5/after-effects/ct-p/ct-after-effects?page=1&sort=latest_replies&lang=all&tabid=all
Hi @TarunKumarWhat we did on our project was to create our own simple mock implementation of the FragmentTemplate (cause' this is an interface).Then, in the JUnit test class, in the @BeforeAll step, we registered a new adapter with this mock class as the handler.@BeforeAll
static void init() {
Hi @narendiran_ravi You could go with Sling Scheduled Jobs. In my opinion 500 assets are not that many, and in theory could be handled in one go, by one job. But you can also delete assets in batches, by previously running a query to detect which assets are older then you expect, and then create bu...
Hi @Vodjakxa Lets consider we have a Home page and a Contact page.1. I believe what you can try to do is to create two editable templates first. Let's say template-home and template-contact.2. Once the templates are in place and working, you can try to extend the ootb page.3. Then create two struct...
Hi @Mahesh_Gunaje Based on the documentation, --local flag is deprecated for Mac chips:--local [deprecated] Run/debug actions locally (requires Docker running, not available on Apple Silicon Macs)https://www.npmjs.com/package/@adobe/aio-cli#aio-app-run
Can you try some of the troubleshoot options described in here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/implementing/deploying/configuring/troubleshoot-rep ? Cheking the /var/eventing/jobs, creating a dedicated replication.log file etc
Does your replication user, with which the agent is configured, has the right permissions to access assets ?I am thinking that as because you said that the images, like all of them, do not get replicated, it might be a permissions issue.