So I'm at http://serverurl:4503/cf#/content/sola04/main.html. I can see the images from the DAM and I can see the sidekick with the components that can be drag and dropped onto parsys areas on my page. However, I cannot drag and drop any components onto the page and I cannot drag and drop images fro...
Is there a way to unable CORS or allow access control origin? Right now I have a DPS app that when opened will open a browser that connects to a site I have created using AEM on localhost. I'm trying to get the page to display a list of folios. I am able to see the folio but I cannot get the image o...
JohnFait wrote... I'd suggest reposting a question around 'Reusing existing page content in new pages' or something similar as this question isn't necessarily DPS specific. Also, you might want to take a look at the TOC which is generated based on existing article pages in a folio for a more DPS p...
JohnFait wrote... DPS pages are CQ pages with some additional metadata. Given the above, reusing content from DPS pages would be the same as reusing content from an existing site pages. Additional it should be possible to create a new component that pulls out what you'd need form those existing DPS ...
I'm trying to create a site constructed through AEM and was wondering if I can actually grab folios (DPS) and load them onto a part of the html page so that you can see the cover of the articles on the bottom of the page and scroll through them. But this is all on an html page website, something th...
Yeah I think I worded the topic and description poorly. What I wanted was to make a website page that would load existing folios onto a section of the page and be able to load the articles as well.
How do you set it up though? I mean, I can play the parsys anywhere on the page but once I add a component to it, I want to be able to move that component anywhere on the page just by clicking and dragging it.