Hi Josh,Thanks for your reply.I know execValidate() invokes validation. But is there a way to know if the field passed the validation test after the call?My question was if there's a way to know it.Thanks again.
Hi,Is there a way to invoke pattern validation in script? or check if the field passes pattern validation?The reasoning behind it is to avoid writing validation script which essentially does the same thing as parrtern validation.Thanks.
Hi,I have a PDF which has a required field and a submit button.I was able to write a simple script to prevent the user from submitting if the required field is not filled.xfa.host.messageBox("Please fill the required field");xfa.host.setFocus(FieldName);xfa.event.cancelAction = true;Above script wor...
Thanks for your idea.It didn't work in Initialize event. It looks that the only reliable event that works is layout:ready event.Oh, one other thing.I want to make the submit button invisible, so I added [ButtonName].presence = "hidden" but it still shows up...
Hi Jasmin,Thanks for your answer.It looks Output service is a separate module since I don't have it in the services tab in the Workbench.Does it mean that I don't have it?If so, is there a workaround?Thanks,Jake
Hi LiveCycle experts,Let me explain the situation first.I have fillable PDFs on LiveCycle Forms server.I was able to find a script block to lock all the fields before submit. The script is in preSubmit event in the submit button.The submit button is set to submit as XML and I need to save the entire...
I've been working with LiveCycle about 4 weeks and now I'm so wondering what the best practices for deployment are.Normally, in any software development efforts, there are three different environments (Dev - Test - Production) or two (Dev - Production) at least. And each environment has configuratio...