Please follow this :
You can write like below:
var total =0;
var oFields = xfa.resolveNodes("tblHandlingUnits.rowHUDataTBL[*]");
for (var i = 0; i < oFields.length; i++){
var rowInstance = oFields.item(i);
// Now with rowInstance you can access any fields inside this
total += parseInt(rowInstance.(path to your fiel...
Follow the below link:,Num2Date(Date()%2C%20%22MM%2FDD%2FYYYY%22,and%20search%20for%20Num2Date%20function.
Flowed and allowed page breaks in every component below and up the table should work if given. Check the table rows to allow page breaks or if they wrap inside any subforms.
Check your main page property for page breaks etc. Also, check the pagination property if the page is positioned in the desire...
From the logs seems like your schema is not valid, are you using json or xsd file? Need to check your schema.
Caused by: com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.exceptions.ProcessingException: fatal: content at URI "crx:/content/dam/formsanddocuments/schemas/schema.xsd#" is not valid JSON
level: "fatal...