Hi @ShikhaSo3 AEMaaCS has optimized event handling, and DamEvent.EVENT_TOPIC may not behave consistently, switch to ResourceChangeListener for better AEMaaCS event handling also ensure the model exists at this path in Cloud.try WorkflowModel wfModel = wfSession.getModel("/conf/global/settings/workf...
Hi Refer these below https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/react/overviewhttp://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/react/integrate-spahttps://www.outliant....
Hi @Manu_Mathew_ I have also completed multiple POCs and worked on them, especially with DALL-E integration and using ChatGPT for SEO. Soon, I’ll also post some blogs about it. However, if you’d like, we can discuss this topic further.
Hi @kautuk_sahni allow me sometime i will mark the answer correct as the question main purpose is still unanswered, so i'll try a few things and confirm over here
Hi @BhavaniBharani Ensure your service user has neccessary permissions and add logger to debug the exact issue Map<String, Object> serviceAuth = singletonMap(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "metadata-update-service");
try (ResourceResolver serviceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceReso...