I have a requirement where I am supposed to get all the products from my PIM system and get the details of all the images used from AEM asset.Then use that information in AEM Asset.To fetch all the necessary product details i have to send thousand requests and it takes approximately 12 minutes. I cr...
Is there a way to jcr query or sql query all the assets by the replication status? For example something like this.type=dam:Assetpath=/content/damproperty=replication/isActivatedproperty.value=true
The similar problem has been mentioned before in this forum but I guess theres no solution found yet. Solved: SPA React not displaying Custom Components - Adobe Experience League Community - 326448 Anyone knows what is happening here and how to fix it?
Here is my servlet code,@component(service = { Servlet.class })
@SlingServletPaths(value = "/api/assets/eshop")
@ServiceDescription("Get Filtered Assets based on properties and custom response.")
public class AssetFilter extends SlingAllMethodsServlet { and I have also made the entry in Script Resol...
Thanks, yes, this works, I was asuming that when I pass the data through HTL to the web component, it would internally stringify the data and pass. but that was not the case. Anyways, thanks.
private List<ButtonModel> buttons; This is the a variable in my cart model. It does get me the variable from /content/.... to HTL, but passing this variable from htl to web-component is an issue.