I just noticed a property of AbstractAssembler which willhelp with this significantly - the destionationId is populated oneach call to the Assembler, which is great!
We use a common base class to handle most Assembler functionswithout writing a separate DAO class for each destination. The onlytrouble we have in this design is using the API functions inAbstractAssembler which give no reference whatsoever to the Classof object to act on. One such function is getIt...
I went into the category filters as you suggested, and turnedan immense number of them on. Now our stack trace is coming out. Wedid not realize that the category filters would override debuglogging being on. Thank you!
There are stack traces we need to see when FDS makes calls toour Assembly functions. At the moment we have all of the logsettings we can find in the XML configuration files turned on. FDSstill swallows all of our exceptions without a stack trace. Anyinformation about the location of additional log s...