I would like to be able to use dates only sometimes as well, but the time is important for planned midday handoffs. I agree that timezone issues have been a problem when we have offshore workers... but the best solve I have found for that is to set a due date for an offshore worker to 8am the next ...
This should be a setting that the planner chooses when adding the form to the task. If the task ALWAYS requires 100% required fields completion, without the ability to disable that, it could hinder productivity when a team needs to expedite tasks and have been given permission to bypass certain oth...
Thanks so much Jeremy for the additional details. Glad to hear this upgrade is not considered "delivered." As others have stated, this is a big gap in functionality and is long overdue, so if I may provide some encouragement... please keep the foot on the gas and roll these additional updates out ...
This is not what I needed. What I asked for is to be able to rich edit a "Descriptive text" field on a custom form... Information that *I* am putting on the form, not the end user.And I agree with others that it's stupid to create this as a separate field type instead of updating the existing Parag...
I desperately need this functionality. I cannot keep asking my team to log PTO multiple ways, two of them within Workfront. This is a big dissatisfier for us.
YES please! I would also like to see a slight color shading on subtasks to help visually indicate groups. But the indentation is a major UI issue right now. Will happily help beta test this.