I set up an intake queue last year and the users were able to set up approvals on the objects in the queue with contribute access. There was an issue today and the whole team had to be bumped up to manage access to set up single use approvals. Was there a change recently to require manage access t...
Hello Doug,
I see you provided this reply many moons ago but I have the save use case. I have a task report ready. I need more detail on where to add the text above within the report.
Thanks for your time and solution,
Hello Workfront Community,
Is it possible to run a report on the full list of custom form field names and those that are using the "Track field changes in update feeds" option and those that are not. We have run out of our allotted use of that prompt and need to readdress the distribution of that f...
Switch to text mode and there will be a few Home Team IDS. In each, backspace over "ID" and add ":name", that's colon, lower case name. That will witch the long id out for the name.
Any ideas on how to set up a simple report using a chart option of either the number or percentage of tasks completed by the planned completion date compared to those completed after the planned completion date. I can't seem to set the report up correctly to get the data I want on a chart. Thanks!