There needs to be a better way for a user to manually trigger a fusion flo without having to know which field to edit. Some kind of button. Otherwise flos occaisionally lag and create confusion.
A Project approval should have the ability to notify non-approvers as well to keep them informed of status change. Would also be helpful to notify the person who triggered the approval when the approval is complete (approved or not)
It would be extremely valuable to be able to access the data in Workload Balancer either via report or API for custom reports in order to forecast project profitability and department revenues for firms with more dynamic resource planning. With this access, future planned hours of both active proje...
would also be great to tie a status to a color, so in Workload Balancer you could prioritize unassigned tasks by status (higher probability of going active get assigned first)
It's great that workload balancer allows you to increase the total number of hours on a task. However, this should trigger an alert or notification in the project view so others are aware of the change to total planned hours