Hello, Is it possible to create a grouping with text mode in a task report that separates out tasks where the $$USER.ID is the only assignee on the tasks that hasn't marked their part as done? Or is there text mode for a column that would highlight these tasks by using a green BG color or something ...
This is what I ended up using for now in my task report column to reduce due date by 1 day instead of 2 for now:displayname=(APPROVAL) Adjusted Due Date -1 dayshortview=truestyledef.case.0.comparison.icon=falsestyledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=approvalProcessIDstyledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext...
@WeberJ And I guess if it's possible, it would be even better to show that adjusted due date as a column based on if there is a task approval, if that logic is possible rather than relying on how we name the tasks, which isn't always consistent.
Thank you so much! That appears to be working well for task reports. I had trouble manipulating it to work in an assignment report instead, though. Would you happen to know how to get that same code to work in an assignment report?
I am wondering if anyone could help figure out if this is possible and can help with the text mode code to have a column in a task or assignment report show the plannedCompletionDate minus two days whenever the task name contains "and Approval" to provide a better due date for users to allow two day...
Description - Add an option to have text in a proof read aloud wherever text is selectable and not build into an image. Why is this feature important to you - There is no option to have text within a proof read aloud like you can in a PDF. This is vital when proofreading something as it helps to hea...
@sljonashi I am grateful that you provided the zip file for the extensive code you use within that project report, but I was running into errors whenever I tried adding the text mode code for the 2nd column. Do you know why that might be? I fixed what I assumed was a typo in the first line, but I st...
Description - To enhance the functionality and user experience of the "My Tasks" and "My Work" widgets, consider adding this column: "Assignments and Status." This will provide a clearer overview and better tracking capabilities directly from the home dashboard, improving project management and team...
Description - If possible, allow for the download of a single PDF of all current WF documentation. We can only view documentation online, and the new format is really challenging to manually navigate since everything is collapsed and hidden. Have to hit View More constantly to see all the different ...