How is cart addition calculated? Adobe document says "The ‘Cart additions’ metric shows the number of times a visitor added something to their cart. "
But if you look at this report there is an order without cart addition when I breakdown with order id (order id gets generated after successful purc...
We have a report where we track visitor abandonment rate in page. For example when user moves from cart page to payment detail page. We use calculated metric
to calculate this and the formula is page B (visits) / Page A (visits). This will tell how many users will moved from page A to page B and we...
Why does table shows other dimension values instead of showing only "Laptops" despites having segment at hit level?
FYI the dimension is a classification and is from product variable. I expect table to show only the "laptop" instead of all other values since the segment is hit level. Please explain...
I can see there is a prop which gets populated with error messages but I dont see any other props created or allotted for Exit error messages, entry error messages, error message type etc. Now how are these created and what do they track?