UpdateWhen the pattern is used to create a package inside CRX Package Manager everything works fine. If I use the same pattern to create a package inside eclipse (with maven-vault-plugin) it doesn't work.
Hi,what's the pattern to refer only specific nodes that starts with a given prefix?For example i need to refer only nodes under launcher configf that starts with xxx but in this way it was wrong: <filter root="/etc/workflow/launcher/config"> <include pattern="/etc/workflow/launcher/config/...
Hi, I need to exclude from the package some resources with a specific prefix (test). In the pom.xml I tried with: <filters> <filter> /etc/workflow/launcher/config/test* </filter></filters> but it was wrong.What's the way?Thanks
Hi,i've the same problem on a CQ 5.4 instance, after i moved a workflow model from it's previous origin.Can someone help me?Thanks p.s. Here seems to be a solution (http://helpx.adobe.com/cq/kb/howtopurgewf.html), but i'ven't tried yet.
Hi,i've configured a google analytics snippet using Generic Analytics Snippet in CloudServices section.The html rendered is:<div class="servicecomponents cloudservices"><div class="cloudservice generictracker">ù <script type="text/javascript"> // snippet code </script> </div></div> Is it pos...