Hi, The reasons for missing or removed nodes and properties like cq:lastModified and jcr:content can include customization, content migration processes, and content updates by authors or administrators. To determine the specific reason in your case, review page history.
Hi, To implement show/hide functionality for a dropdown field inside a content fragment, below steps could help:Identify the JavaScript file or script associated with the content fragment.Find the event handler function that handles the dropdown value change event.Use JavaScript or a library like jQ...
Hi, To resolve the issue, ensure that the repository configuration is correct, check if the desired version is available, force an update by deleting the local cache, or explore alternative repositories.
Hi, In the given test case, the @ChildResource annotation may return null because the AEM context used for testing is not properly initialized to include the child resources from the JSON file. To resolve this issue, you can modify the test setup method as follows:@BeforeEachpublic void setup() {ctx...
Hi, o validate asset file names during upload in AEM DAM, develop a custom OSGi bundle implementing AssetUploadNameValidator interface. Override the validate method to check for unsupported characters. Register the bundle as an OSGi service and configure it in AEM's OSGi settings.
To find the schedule or calendar for AEM Push Update/Maintenance releases, you can refer to the Adobe Product Security Bulletin page. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/introduction/security.html?lang=en
Hi @Hafizur-Rahman ,
I'd request to raise a support ticket with AEM Team who can further verify and raise the request with the Product ENgineering team to help you with the request.
Hi, In the Touch UI interface of AEM, the Site Administration interface lacks certain information about page status compared to the Classic UI. To display additional information to authors without code changes:Customize the Card view to include "Page in Workflow" information.Utilize the Page Propert...
Hi, The error you're encountering with the aem:rde:install command suggests an issue with the program configuration or authentication. To resolve it:Verify program configuration: Double-check the program ID, organization ID, and API key used in the Cloud Manager SDK configuration.Check authenticatio...
Hi, The 401 error you're encountering in your cloud dev environment indicates an authentication issue. Verify OAuth Client configuration matches the one used during token generation.Check token expiration to ensure it is still valid.Validate the correctness of the token's signature and associated pr...