So, this function doesn't work in the Enrichment step? Should I open a Support Ticket?
My ultimate goal is this. To convert a number: 1,207.00 so it displays as $1,207.00.
Using the functions in Adobe, always removes the comma-separator.
Does anyone have any documentation on how to correctly format the "FormatCurrency (<Amount>,<Currency>) " function?
I've tried to use it and get errors. My Amount is a "Double-precision-number" and I don't know what to use for currency; I've tried USD to no avail.
Please advise.
Can you only perform PGP encryption in ACC? I would like to use WinZip, but it appears you have to have it installed on the instance; same as PGP.
Is that an accurate statement?
@Shubham_Goyal__ thanks for your feedback.
I can perform this kind of variable by using the advanced tabs. What I'm looking for is the ability to use this type of function in the Edit tab.
Thank you.
I was told that you can use the Edit tab of a Campaign, and I've seen it done back when I was just learning the tool. But I can't remember how it's done; can anyone help me?
Here's my example below (even though I know it's not correct); but it's something along these lines if I recall.
Thank you for looking into this. However, I'm able to create a total number of records rather easy. I actually created the total by using the qty from the transition into the Alert: instance.vars.totalCount = vars.recCount; this gives me the count I want to display on the email Alert...
Thank you for the code and direction. I can see it's pulling the data I need, however I'm still a little confused at the direction you provided.
Are you saying that once I create this variable (var res), I then need to run EXEC Sql on the variable in the HTML?
Again - I'm ...