Hi @P_V_Nair , Create the EventListner for your requirements once triggered then add your workflow to launcher it will triggered your workflow once got the input from the EventListner. Kr,Sanjay
Hi @DuttAbhishek , First check what are the rendition is present for this image because as per the system resolution some times image is not displaying.Can you please try to zoom in then you will understand which rendition is required to display the image.Check the another ima...
Hi @zaddm , I was faced same issue and I did deactivate that user and again activate then the issue was resolved for me. Can you please try the same thing. Kr,Sanjay
Hi @sharms13 , Write validation logic in js and add property name validation to the particular field.whenever you have selected file it will validate is it empty file or not .Kr,Sanjay
Hi @stuartcairns , First check the licence properties file is present or not on your local AEM setup. if it is present then open that it will showing username and password for trail purpose. Kr,Sanjay