@LB_PC May be I'm missing something in your question but you still have below properties set which you can refer to:cq:lastReplicatedcq:lastReplicatedBycq:lastReplicationAction
It looks like the dependency for RandomAccessReader is resolved compile time but its not available at the runtime. You might have to make necessary changes in pom.xml to export it to felix console. Check /system/console/depfinder
@shyamasundar-ks There's a similar question and answered here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/aem-6-4-with-spa-editor-how-to-use-the-experience-fragments/qaq-p/322742
@kpsolanki_1204 - It would be greate if you could share the code to get the metadata with jwt token and required priviledges on it. Additionally, where do you see the new oauth user getting generated with each call?
@parag_dalal Did you try moving through crxde drag-drop? I don’t think it would be possible through the UI as references needs to be updated as well. You can also try doing it programmatically.
@mayank_saklech1 Can you please check if you've followed all the steps mentioned here:https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/events/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-events/master/aem/aem_on_premise_install_6.5.md