Hi @PabloNeruda,
You can call the Option value in Delivery's script tab and follow the steps mentioned in this thread to call the variable in delivery's personalization block.
Script to enter in Delivery's script tab:
delivery.variables._var[0].stringValue= getOption (optionName);
Hi @chandanasa ,
Go to Delivery > Property > Delivery tab > Enable 'Send using multiple waves' > select 'schedule waves according to a calendar' > and give value in start as 0s, 1d, 2d, 3d and so on.. and size values as per your requirement.
Hi @Arivu2024 ,
You can have targeting dimension as recipient and filtering dimension as trackingLogRcp, and query as ToDate(@logDate) on or after ToDate(DaysAgo(180))
[delivery/@messageType] equals to Email
[url/@type] equals to Open
Hi @Michael_Soprano ,
This is normal 'If - else if - else' condition. But the correct syntax is as follows,
<% if ( recipient.age >= 40 ) { %>
Good morning <%= recipient.firstName %>
<% } else if ( recipient.age == 30 ) { %>
Hello <%= recipient.firstName %>
<% } else { %> Hi <%= recipient.firstN...
Hi @Michael_Soprano ,
In Query, have targeting dimension as Recipients, and condition as:
TrackingLogRcp exists such as
URL Type equal to Open/click
DeliveryCode equal to 'yourDelivery's delivery code' (or you can give your delivery's internal name)
Hi @KD1 ,
Activate tracking: The tracking of email (Example: If a recipient clicked a link in the email) will be enabled only if this option is enabled.
Opens tracking: If this option is enabled, a 0 pixel image will be included in the HTML and Multipart/Alternative emails, which enable you to detec...
Hi @jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , Same with getting content from AEM. you can find the tracking option or in bottom of HTML editor you can find 'Display URLs'. There you can be able to select the type of link.